There is a grocery store just down the street from our subdivision that I run to occassionally (Walmart is where we usually go but it is 10 mins. away and I almost always have at least 2-3 of my children and it's so stinkin busy!!!!!) Anyways, I run there if I only need a couple things or I only have a short time to get there and back. But they have these cute carts for the kids to use. They love them but when we are done, I want to rip my hair out. It is impossible. Tyson has to have one too, and 3 carts going in a million directions, running into my ankles, etc. But they sure look cute with them.
We want to get a trampoline and a playset but we dont want to have to move it this fall/winter or whenever we move to our own house so we found this fun airplane at Costco for the kids. The problem is, they want to be out on it all the time!!!! It is windy here and they can deal with the cold better than me. I would just let them out as long as they want but our fence is a privacy fence (not completely enclosed) and Tyson can disappear in seconds. But they sure do have fun on it and love being outside.
We want to get a trampoline and a playset but we dont want to have to move it this fall/winter or whenever we move to our own house so we found this fun airplane at Costco for the kids. The problem is, they want to be out on it all the time!!!! It is windy here and they can deal with the cold better than me. I would just let them out as long as they want but our fence is a privacy fence (not completely enclosed) and Tyson can disappear in seconds. But they sure do have fun on it and love being outside.