I know, I am a slacker mom. I just remembered that I never posted the kids 1st day of school pictures. Katelyn is in 1st grade now and Logan is in afternoon kindergarten. Logan has Katelyn's teacher from last year and we just love her. I was a bit nervous about sending Logan to school this year. He just turned 5 the end of July and school here in Boise starts the end of Aug. So far he is doing good but I have a feeling I am going to want to have him repeat kindergarten. I'd rather him be the older in the class than the youngest and I'd rather him do kindergarten twice than possibly struggle in a couple years.
Logan on the playground while he waits to line up for school.
This is Logans 2nd day of school but we drove him on the 1st day. This is of him before leaving to get on the afternoon kindergarten bus. (We live a 1/2 mile from the school which is a walking district but they don't want the afternoon kindergarteners walking alone so they bus them to school. Then we either walk to pick both kids up or on colder days and winter, we drive. Luckily I have a friend to carpool with and it works out great.) The bus picks him up just a house down from us where there is another little boy in Logans class.
This last picture I had to post. Tyson looks so silly. He wanted to get on the bus SO bad. I think he cried the first 2 or 3 days when Logan got on the bus and I had to stop hikm from running out in the street to get on the bus. He also put this backpack on for the first 2 weeks of walking Logan out to the bus and still does occassionally. Unfortunately for him, he still has 3 years until his turn, poor kid.